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9 Ergebnisse.

Rural Settlement and Economic Activity: Olive Oil, Wine a...

Ahmed, Muftah
Rural Settlement and Economic Activity: Olive Oil, Wine and Amphorae Production on the Tarhuna Plateau During the Roman Period
Rural Settlement and Economic Activity is a key new addition to literature on the rural economy of Tripolitania during Antiquity. The chapters explore the geography and climate of the area and present the results of the author¿s archaeological survey. Settlement types and their constructions are examined, followed by a detailed analysis of olive oil presses and their production capacity. Finally, amphora production sites are discussed, with ex...

CHF 73.00

Classical Antiquities of Algeria: A Selective Guide

Blas De Roblès, Jean-Marie / Sintes, Claude / Kenrick, Philip
Classical Antiquities of Algeria: A Selective Guide
Algeria is a large country, rich in visual remains of its long and complex history. The monuments of the Roman period are particularly impressive. This is partly because they are well-preserved, but also because the French, who colonised the region in the nineteenth century and ruled it until 1962, carried out extensive excavations and restorations. Algeria is not yet in the grip of the mass tourism which is engulfing better known destinations...

CHF 46.90

Excavations at Sabratha 1948-1951: Volume II - The Finds ...

Dore, John / Keay, Nina / Dodge, Hazel
Excavations at Sabratha 1948-1951: Volume II - The Finds Part 1
This is the first report on the finds from K. Kenyon's and J. B. Ward-Perkins' excavations at Sabratha from 1948-1951, and contains full discussion and catalogues. This volume constitutes a landmark in the study of Punic and Roman pottery from Sabratha and Tripolitania, not only covering new dated types but also quantified studies and analysis It will be a lasting reference to the pottry from this area, and invaluable also for what it brings t...

CHF 40.90